Thursday, November 5, 2009

Week 9 (#23)

The end... wow, I learned quite a bit of new information along the way. I appreciated the step by step nature of the program and the explicit directions. I especially enjoyed learning more about tagging and how it works, some innovative ways to use wikis in the classroom, and I really liked exploring Rollyo. Along with blogs and wikis, that is a great tool to use in a classroom because you control the content searched. I can't wait to implement these tools in a library setting as well. If I had to describe in one word or one sentence what I took away from this program: Technology rocks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so right! I think if I had looked at a finished "23 Things" blog before beginning this project I would have really stressed. I'm also glad that it was broken into manageable pieces. Looking back I can't believe all that we have accomplished. Congratulations to you! :)